Home Vida Don’t Sweat The Stress

Don’t Sweat The Stress

by Komal Patel
Deal with problems

Lately I have been feeling super down about things that are going on in my life…I am not going to get specific on this post…but it’s just a general feeling about things that are going on right now.

I know that everybody has stress; problems and things that they have to deal with on a daily basis, and to be honest. It fucking sucks.

There aren’t too many options out there short of dealing with your issue head on and figuring out why you are unhappy and how you are going to fix it.

But do you dwell on it?

Not going to lie. I am a dweller.

I dwell, I think, I over analyze, situation analysis….you name it. It is exhausting. My brain never shuts off because I am always thinking about the “what if,” instead of concentrating on what I can actually control.

Do you ever feel like you want to just let go and can’t? ALWAYS my current sitch.

Although I mentioned a bunch of negative things, today I am not going to concentrate on those undesirable instances that seem to tear apart a day, but focus on the things that DO make me happy. Even better, things that I am thankful for, things that make my life a little easier and things that can help make those other stresses/stress seem meaningless.

I have tried this exercise in the past and although it’s not perfect, it definitely helps. I don’t have everything but I have enough to live a happy life and I can’t let myself forget that and neither can you!

So, this is how it works.

Super easy: think of everything that you have in your life, material or not, then write them down. Think of the small pieced that literally MAKE YOUR LIFE. The things you take for advantage.

Once you have thought of those items, write them down. Make them tangible.Son't sweat problems

Seeing is believing.

After that, internalize…dig deep inside of yourself and figure out if those things that you are upset or sad about are really worth it because of all of the positive things that you have in your life now. These can be physical items or just feelings…like being in love.

I’ll go first:

I am thankful for a roof over my head and food on my table every night.

Not everyone can say the same of these basic necessities that most take for granted every day.

I am thankful for an awesome support system that I am lucky to call my family.

Many people lose contact with their families or let differences/fights between them drive them apart and they never speak again.

I love having a dog!

Believe it or not pets are great for therapy. They feed off your emotions and can help change your entire day with a lick or a paw shake. I instantly feel good when I see my puppy Khush. He loves me unconditionally and I feel it every time we snuggle.

Grateful to have a job that allows me to make some money to allow me to take care of my basic needs plus a little extra for ME every now and again.

Most of us go our entire lives hating our jobs…truthfully, for many of us…living out those career dreams will never become a reality because we need the money to pay bills and just LIVE.

I am guilty of complaining and instead of complaining I should be jumping from the roof tops with appreciativeness (?) that I have that job to help with all those other things I am stressed about. This “crappy” job has afforded me more than just misery for 8 hours a day…but a life for all those other MOMENTS.

These matters seem so small when you live them day in and day out. They become routine. Just remember for a lot of people these basic life items that we take for granted aren’t privileged to all people. Remember that whatever you are upset/down about could be worse and try to think about the materials that you have right in front of you that can make you happy.

It’s not easy and you won’t remember to do this every time there is a problem or something that makes you unhappy.

All you can do is try.

Now, your turn. GO!



Sweet and Masala

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Anna Smith September 13, 2017 - 5:54 pm

I’m sorry you are feeling down, babe! Hopefully writing this and getting your emotions out on the table helped a bit. When I hit this point, I try to write down a list of 10 things I am truly grateful for and try to recall memories pertaining to those rather than the negative points!

xo, Anna Elizabeth

Komal Patel September 13, 2017 - 7:17 pm

That is an awesome idea, especially the part about the memories, thank yoU!

Brianna September 13, 2017 - 7:00 pm

I loved reading this! It’s very important that we stop to take a breather and remember what matters. Negativity can consume one so quick! Sending positive vibes your way!~

Komal Patel September 13, 2017 - 7:18 pm

Thank you! And thank you for seeing past the first few paragraphs. I am OK….i was just trying to portray exactly what you just said. Thanks for vibes and reading babe!

Kristin September 13, 2017 - 9:32 pm

LOVE the idea of writing down things you’re thankful for to visualize! I hear ya on sometimes dwelling on the negatives! Sending you love & good vibes!


Joana Castillo September 14, 2017 - 12:30 am

Such a great tip! I can totally relate on always dwelling on things you simply have no control over. Thanks for sharing hun!

Jen September 14, 2017 - 1:07 am

Such a great way to change your perspective on how we see things in our life and moving past dwelling on what bothers us! Thank you so much for sharing!!

Emily Soto September 14, 2017 - 2:48 pm

Thank you so much for this inspirational post! I hope you feel better soon 🙂

Amber Stanfield September 15, 2017 - 1:02 am

Awww…I’m hoping things will get better for you soon! I’ve been feeling the stress (and the blues) lately too. Thank you so much for this post and the super helpful tips. ????

Melanie Stratton September 18, 2017 - 2:55 am

I so needed this ! We all need a reminder to look on the bright side. So inspirational and thank you for sharing <3

Komal Patel September 18, 2017 - 6:43 pm

Melanie! I’m glad this helped you.keep your head up on whatever you are going through and remember to be positive!

Nicole September 21, 2017 - 3:43 pm

This is a great way to come out of a “funk!”


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