Home Vida No more shit. Time to FOCUS.

No more shit. Time to FOCUS.

by Komal Patel
Post Office Square Park (2)

F O C U S.

What a crazy word, right?

It is “the center of interest or activity…or the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition.”

Lately, as I am sure you all have seen from my lack of new content, I have lost my focus.

The move to Boston really threw me off and every time I thought I was doing fine I realized that I wasn’t FOCUSED.

The content I was putting out there felt rushed and unplanned…to be honest…it was shit.

That isn’t fair to me and it isn’t fair to you guys.

I kept blaming the setbacks and lack of creativity on the move, when in reality, again, I just wasn’t focused.

I could have spun the negative into the positive, letting all of you in on the journey.

All of us have experience hard times and situations that needed to be re-evaluated.

You know, a step back, but instead I decided to shut down and put everything on hold.

Honestly, I can’t tell you why I did that, besides I was scared.

I was scared to continue to build this brand in a whole different place, when in reality nothing was changing.

I am still me, living my life, doing my thing, which I am sharing with all of you.

Over the last year of this blog I have had made so many connections with many different people all around the world.

We have shared numerous thing in common; makeup, fashion, food, but even more importantly, feelings.

Feelings and views on lives are what have helped grow this blog.

I have had overwhelming responses to personal pieces that I have wrote, more than any other type of article, which makes me feel like I did at least something right!Financial District Boston

Cultivating relationship and sharing experience is what life is all about. That is what I want this blog to be about.

I want all of you to feel comfortable here…to be able to share your moments and feelings…

For Sweet and Masala to be a sound board to all areas of your lives!

I wanted to be 100% with all of you on what has been happening the last few months and why the blog has slipped.

Not going to lie…getting that off my chest feels SO good.

Does anybody have any solid advice to give on staying focused?  I am ALWAYS up for suggestions.

For me, knowing that I have a sense of stability in my life has helped me regain parts of my focus.

Knowing that I have all you on my side has helped me regain that focus.

So, what’s next?

I am taking things one step at a time.

No more shit.

Time to take things to another level.Post Office Square Park

You all have kept up your end of the bargain by coming to this site and reading every day.

Now it’s my turn to make moves and fulfill my end of the deal.

I hope you all can forgive my momentary lapse of judgement and I hope to see you all here on Friday, with an all new health piece!

Lots of Love and Realness



Sweet and Masala

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Gail July 5, 2017 - 12:32 pm

Glad to see that you’re regaining focus. Looking forward to what you have planned!

Komal Patel July 5, 2017 - 1:44 pm

Thanks for the encouragement Gail!

Azanique Rawl July 5, 2017 - 2:32 pm

I love this post girl! I totally understanding how difficult it can be to find motivation to blog when you’re going through a big life change. Can’t wait to see your new content!

– xo, Azanique | http://www.lotsofsass.com

Komal Patel July 6, 2017 - 3:06 pm

Thanks so much! You get me! Lol

Amanda Maxwell July 5, 2017 - 3:00 pm

I’ve been there girl. Moving, sharing feelings and being focused can be challenging and I get it. Way to set your intentions and move forward! Good luck.

Vivi July 5, 2017 - 7:00 pm

No more bullshittin’! Listen, I tell myself this every other day. And currently, I’m not experiencing any type of major setback. This time around, I told myself to stop with the shit and get more consistent with my blog and social media platforms. One challenge I posed to myself is to work throughout the summer. Easy, right? Wrong. I hate summer. All I want to do is stay in my air conditioned home and not melt. But in order for me to produce relevant and worthy content, I have to go out and take outfit posts and attend events and network. Honestly, it hasn’t been too bad. But I could be better.

Hang in there.

Komal Patel July 6, 2017 - 3:07 pm

Just have to find that motivation to get what you want! You got this!

Ilse July 6, 2017 - 4:50 pm

Loved your honesty! It’s tough staying focused and motivated but can’t wait to see what’s in the future for you and your blog!

xo, Ilse

Komal Patel July 6, 2017 - 11:51 pm

Thanks so much Ilse! What do you do to stay motivated?

jen July 9, 2017 - 5:55 pm

We’ve all been there and sometimes it’s just what you need is to take that break and allow yourself time to refocus! Glad you are back and happy to hear you are motivated to get back at it! xo Jen http://abeautifulinspiration.com


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