Ever since I turned 30 I have turned into a skincare nut.
I am legit OBSESSED.
I have been using masks, eye creams, cleansers, gels. Got my first facial. Started buying “nicer” makeup to help my skin.
Being a woman is fucking exhausting. Sometimes I just want to say screw it, but at the same time I REALLY want to take care of myself and not let myself go –for me!
With all this new wealth I am sharing my top three fave new products and am hoping to pick up a few more from you guys!
.lets talk face.
I got my first facial a few weeks ago at a skin workout bar in Boston’s South End called Skoah. All their facials are referred to as “workouts.” These personalized workouts are super relaxing though…not like going to the gym at all.
I learned that my skin was V dry and I had been stripping it bare with the facial wash I was currently using.
In comes Skoah’s Kleansing Lotion.
Kleansing Lotion – by Skoah Skincare
It’s a lotion based face wash that is super gentle lotion that helps lift dirt and uses refined olive oil to hydrate and soothe the skin.
Ever since I switched to this cleanser my face has felt so hydrated and I immediately felt the difference from the squeaky clean feeling my last facial wash was leaving behind ( FYI – Morning Burst by Clean & Clear).
.lets talk eyes.
The natural brightness of my eyes is almost non-existent anymore!
Like wtf.
It’s like it happened over night.
The skin under my eyes is dark, bag like and puffy AF – I guess all the partying in my 20’s did catch up to me.
In comes K beauty.
If you haven’t heard of K beauty, you need to get on it!
Korean beauty products are gently formulated, derive from many natural ingredients and are just plain effective.
One of my favorite products comes from Saranghae – they have a 5 step skin care routine. Step 4 is this amazing eye cream.
Saranghae Focus Renewal Eye Cream
It is formulated with Sang Hwang mushroom, vitamin B3, elastin and collagen.
It helps restore vitality, diminish wrinkles, visibly lift, firm and brighten the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.
Um yes please.
They believe (and so do I) that our eyes are the windows into our souls. The skin around our eyes is super sensitive so we have to treat it right!
.lets talk highlighter.
I know I have been talking about Cat Marnell’s book, How to Murder Your Life, a lot on the blog…but it is just so great!
Cat’s boss –a Beauty Editor hated matte faces. She believes that everyone wants a dewy, bright face, and I couldn’t agree more!
more dew please.
To achieve this bright dewy look I start with the illumination CC cream by itCosmetics and add a little rose hip oil to the mix – but lately I have been in love with the Luminizing drops by Sephora.
Sephora Collection Radiant Luminizing Drops
These drops are V lightweight and can be worn alone or mixed in with other makeup. I add a few drops into my CC cream and it gives me a face a subtle brightness for a natural glow
I love it!
Sometimes I add a little to my nose and my cheekbones to really set that glow off + its cheap! You can find it for $12 in-store and as low as $8 online.
I am all about color #3 – Morning Light, Champagne.
So let’s talk. What are some products that you are into right now and why?
I love trying new products!
Ok, I’m off to high-jack the TV from Justin and catch up on RHWONYC and Exes on The Beach – not so guilty pleasures.
I am a fan of reality TV…it is mindless and entertaining. sometimes you just want to turn off your brain, you know? Should I do a post on this?
Great products, I have started using an eye cream since I always look tired. I am going to have to try this one. I needed a good one!
I cannot say I would specifically use the products, although I am sure they are quite good. I do though appreciate the intro to the book, “How to Murder your Life.” From someone who once lived among the addicted and disenfranchised, it looks like a very interesting read.
It’s a great read. Very raw, very real.
The Sephora Collection Radiant Luminizing Drops caught my eye. I would really like to try it.
I so much love Skoah’s Kleansing Lotion, seems gentle enough and great to remove all the dirt and hydration. Even the Luminizing Drops intrigued me. Shall try them out
Never heard of or tried the Saranghae eye cream but it sounds brilliant and something I could really do with trying. My eyes are starting to give away my age and could do with some tlc. Love the blue bottle so cute.
Korean beauty products are really huge these days! I can understand why, they work amazing on the skin. I think it’s great that you’re sharing how these products work for you. I’d love to try that eye cream.
They all seem like nice products! I haven’t used them in the past but I would love to test them.
They do look like some pretty great products. My girlfriend would be interested in the eye cream and possibly the radiant luminizing drops as well.
Be a woman is definitely exhausting and the expectations to maintain your youth and beauty is in my opinion the primary reason… I just turned 40 so I am always on the look out for products that will slow down the clock and keep my skin looking young and fresh. Definitively going to check out the Sephora Collection Radiant Luminizing Drops!
From the products you’ve just mentioned, I just tried Sephora, and I’m just happy. I need to try the others.
We don’t have Sephora here in the UK and I am dying to go there and try like everything!! This looks like such a good product to have.